Get Acid Reflux Under Control Once And For All

People that have acid reflux truly suffer. Despite the severity of their condition, reducing symptoms requires educating themselves on the matter. Start out by reading this article which presents some basic information about how you can get control of acid reflux with some basic lifestyle changes.

Your dinner should occur three hours or more prior to your bedtime. When you remain upright, your food and stomach acids stay put in the stomach. When laying down, the acid may climb back up. Thus, stick to a plan that allows you three hours of digestion before bed.

If you smoke, you should quit. Smoking makes acid reflux worse, and may actually be a trigger. It slows digestion, increases stomach acid, and slows down your saliva production. The esophageal sphincter is weakened as a result. Therefore, stop smoking immediately to help your condition.

Some foods can cause an episode of acid reflux when we eat them. Things like fried foods, alcohol, beverages with caffeine, and chocolate are some of the most common reflux causing foods. Foods that are highly acidic like tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and lemons can cause acid reflux. The triggers are different with everyone, so make sure you identify your own. Just avoid all these foods to be safe.

A useful supplement called slippery elm helps to thicken the mucous that lines your stomach. This layer keeps your stomach safe from stomach acid. Mix one or two tablespoons with some water and drink this remedy before going to bed.

Smoking causes acid reflux, so if you have this problem and you smoke you are well advised to stop. Acid reflux is made worse by nicotine because it stimulates stomach acid production. But when it is time to quit smoking, do it with some help. Cold turkey puts the body under stress and this can make your acid reflux problems worse. Quit slowly instead.

When you have acid reflux, you can benefit greatly from raising the top of your bed up. You can do this by putting a brick under the headboard. You can also prop your head up with pillows. The head of your bed should be six inches above the foot. You can stop stomach acid from rising into your esophagus by elevating your chest and head during sleep.

If you have acid reflux avoid lying down right after you eat. When laying in a prone position, it is more difficult to digest your food. You will feel better and avoid acid reflux by staying upright.

Try a simple exercise like walking to keep you upright. This type of exercise helps to reduce your acid reflux in several ways. First of all, you aid your stomach in digestion when you are upright. Walking and other moderate exercise also encourages weight loss, which will greatly improve acid reflux. Moderate exercise is okay when you have acid reflux, but intense exercise can be detrimental.

Whatever the reason for your decision, you are now better prepared to battle your acid reflex. Make that time now since you’ve just learned lots of things to help you out. Practice proper eating and exercise with the rest of these tips and you’ll notice how good you feel.

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