Acid Reflux: What To Do When It Strikes

If you are dealing with acid reflux then you already know the pain can be quite unpleasant. There are times it’s bad enough to keep you from doing the things you enjoy. Fortunately, you have many options. Take some time and read the advise in this article.

Do not eat your dinner less than three hours before you go to bed. When you are upright, any food in your stomach and the gastric acid settles down in your stomach. Because of gravity, these acids can rise into the esophagus when you are not sitting or standing, causing heartburn. Therefore, to reduce or alleviate acid reflux, be sure to refrain from eating just before sleeping.

Do not drink when you are eating. Instead, drink during the times between meals. Many people feel hungry, but they are actually just thirsty. Additionally, if you drink separately from eating you will find that you don’t suffer from bloating and acid reflux as much.

Put a wedge beneath your mattress to boost your head and keep acid down. Prop your mattress with a plank or some book to make sure your head is elevated. Some modern beds can now raise through electronic controls, which can be a big help.

Stop smoking now. Smoking can cause acid reflux by corrupting your digestive system. It slows both digestion and saliva production, while encouraging the body to produce more stomach acid. The esophagus becomes weak when you light up too. So stop smoking now.

Pregnant women sometimes suffer from acid reflux. As the fetus grows in size, it crowds your stomach, causing acid to be pushed up from the stomach into the esophagus. A diet consisting of healthy low-fat, low-acid foods is perfect for controlling acid reflux. When you still have acid reflux, try a soothing tea like chamomile.

Stay away from spicy foods and do not use hot sauces or peppers when cooking. These kinds of food increase the amount of acid found in the digestive tract and make the situation worse. Avoid these items and you will feel better right away.

Certain particular foods help produce acid reflux in your esophagus. Caffeine beverages, chocolate, fried items and alcohol can all be acid reflux triggers. Foods that are highly acidic like tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and lemons can cause acid reflux. Every person has their own list, so you have to determine what most bothers you at mealtime. If you want to be completely safe, just avoid these things.

If you are a smoker and suffer from acid reflux, you should consider quitting. Nicotine makes acid reflux worse since it increases stomach acid. However, quitting cold turkey can also worsen acid reflux. Try to quit slowly.

Chew some cinnamon gum after each meal. Chewing gum helps to stimulate your saliva glands. Saliva works to neutralize stomach acid. Also, people swallow much more often when they are chewing gum, and this will clear out any acid that is in the esophagus. You can also use gums that are fruity. Do not, however, chew gum with mint in it. Mint can actually cause acid reflux, so you may just be making things worse.

Acid reflux does not have to control your life at all. By following the tips listed above, you can get back to your normal, pain-free life. Reclaim your life and get back to living!

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